Meeting around the book “Zakrywam to co niewidoczne” (“I cover what is unseen”)

May 11, 2015, 6 PM
Admission: free.


Cricoteka invites you to the meeting with Wiesław Borowski, co-founder and director for many years of Foksal Gallery. The conversation will be led by Adam Mazur. In Polish language only!


Wyd. 40 000 Malarzy


“Zakrywam to co niewidoczne” is a story about one of the most important art galleries in post-war Poland – founded in 1966 Foksal Gallery. Wiesław Borowski, co-founder and longtime director of the gallery, depicts the history of artistic formation related to the institution. Tadeusz Kantor, Henryk Stażewski, Edward Krasiński, Zbigniew Gostomski – that are, among other, the heroes of this book. But it is also a story of the PLACE: magnetic space, attracting attention and active involvement of the participants of the international artistic life. Borowski parallely spins a personal story: about the postwar fate of expropriated families, long-term friendships and environmental splits. Wiesław Borowski’s biography reflects the entire artistic epoch: post-war years and Stalinism, and cultural policy of the Gierek decade, martial law and political transformation, in the end – the art of the new millennium.


Zbigniew Gostomski, Wiesław Borowski, Maria Stangret, Anka Ptaszkowska, Edward Krasiński, Henryk Stażewski, Tadeusz Kantor na tarasie pracowni Henryka Stażewskiego, 1970. Fot. Eustachy Kossakowski. Dzięki uprzejmości Anki Ptaszkowskiej


WIESŁAW BOROWSKI (b. 1931) – a graduate of the Faculty of Humanities of the Catholic University of Lublin, art historian, critic and curator. Co-founder – with Anka Ptaszkowska and Mariusz Tchorkiem – of the Foksal Gallery. One of the most active, yet distinguished in Poland, organizers, commentators and “ambassadors” of Polish art in the world. In 2007 he was awarded the Silver Medal “Gloria Artis”.

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